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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Re: The Code for Sustainable Homes

Former Member, modified 14 Years ago.

Re. The Code for Sustainable Homes

Does anybody have a definitive list of when local authorities must implement each level of the Code for Sustainable Homes in their policy? We have received two variations of dates to a recent consultation on our Core Strategy and therefore, it has made us question whether we are right or not. I have been searching the internet but thought I would try this forum out to see if anyone can signpost me to this quicker. Regards.
Former Member, modified 14 Years ago.

Re: Re. The Code for Sustainable Homes

My understanding is that the timetable in place is as per the attached document from CLG - I am not aware of anything more up to date.
Former Member, modified 14 Years ago.

Re: The Code for Sustainable Homes

I write as an Architect with a keen interest in the development of planning policies to facilitate sustainable new homes. I am currently design a zero carbon dwelling for a private client, but the client does not want to achieve certification for the end product. Sustainable development is difficult to achieve, and it is an immature market in terms of building product solutions and for selling new homes. The PPS Planning and Climate Change seeks to enable and encourage sustainable design. The Government have set out the programme for implementing the Code for Sustainable Homes and for achieving zero carbon, but: (1) The Code is mandatory for affordable homes (currently Code level 3), but is only voluntary for market housing. (2) The reduction of carbon emissions and water use, which form part of the Code, will nevertheless be made mandatory through the Building Regulations. The first major raising of the bar, seeking reductions of 25% wil cut in in October 2010. It is for developers and applicants to decide which level of the Code, or degree of reduced carbon they would like to target for any particular development. In order to encourage and enable sustainable development, and the exploration of innovative technoilogies, planning policies need to be focussed IMMEDIATELY on accepting design features at ALL levels of the Code, in order to give sustainable design and the market the momentum it so desperately needs. Designers need to have certainty that their CURRENT designs for lower and zero carbon homes will be acceptable against CURRENT adopted planning policies, including the Building Regulations changes in October 2010 (which we are designing for NOW), but in reality: - most LPAs won't have suitable policies in place before 2011 - most LPAs are uncertain about the new policies required, how to adapt existing policies to cater for sustainable design features (e.g. roofs need to face south), and how to adapt standard planning conditions to suit (e.g. for replacement dwellings, removal of all demolition material from site before commencment is unsustainable). Good luck for 2010.......I hope this helps.