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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Re: Decision by Council at pre-submission

Ian Nelson, modified 14 Years ago.

Decision by Council at pre-submission

New Member Posts: 4 Join Date: 21/10/11 Recent Posts
When a DPD goes to Council for approval is it necessary to have all of the evidence base finalised, or can emerging evidence which has yet to be finalised and published be used, and then Council provide delegated authority to make any amendments to take account of the final published evidence?
Former Member, modified 14 Years ago.

Re: Decision by Council at pre-submission

Hi Ian My hunch is that all evidence show be prepared and digested when you submit the DPD - otherwise how can determine that the policy options you have chosen are sound based on the evidence available. Whilst the LDF system has changed somewhat with the new 2008 Act, I can remember authorities who were found unsound (stafford and litchfield poss?) because their evidence was incomplete. I guess there may be some flexibility, if your DPD was effectively delegating the consideration of detail down to another specific DPD?