IT Consultation systems for LDFs - Public forum - Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
IT Consultation systems for LDFs
Andy Hill, modified 14 Years ago.
Re: IT Consultation systems for LDFs
New Member Posts: 11 Join Date: 20/10/11 Recent PostsRhian Williams, modified 11 Years ago.
Re: IT Consultation systems for LDFs
New Member Posts: 6 Join Date: 19/10/11 Recent PostsThis is a very old thread to be re-visiting but I am keen to know what software people are using now. We have been using Limehouse/Objective since around 2006 and have been mainly happy with the results but given budget pressures I've been asked to look at alternatives. The publishing side is important to us as we avoid the costs of more in-depth corporate design work on every document - most of the software I've looked at seems to cover the consultation quite well but can anyone reccomend alternative providers more focussed on the publishing side? Has anyone compared prices lately and has anyone got experience of switching from one system to another?
On a related subject has anyone used the Uniform LDF module for their LDF/Local Plan consultation? Our authority is having a quick look at it - but has not yet found any authorities that are using it.
Adam Reddish, modified 11 Years ago.
IT Consultation systems for LDFs
New Member Posts: 10 Join Date: 20/10/11 Recent PostsFound this thread useful and relevant so thanks to all contributors for their thoughts on potential substitutes for Limehouse/Objective. I'd be very keen to know whether any LPA has gone that extra step and developed a module 'in-house' that can handle both consultation and publishing tasks?
We are planning for a post-Limehouse existence and with budgetary considerations as relevant as ever, wondered if a Planning Policy section had worked with ICT colleagues to create a bespoke program and avoid the need to go external and purchase more high profile 'off-the-shelf' software?