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Re: Local distinctiveness and LDF

Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Local distinctiveness and LDF

Because I've been nagging away I’ve been challenged by our Planning team who are compiling the LDF to find examples of where local plan making covers issues of local distinctiveness. ‘Easy’ you might say but all of the plans I’ve looked at seem to cover only physically visible aspects of built design, landscape, geodiversity, biodiversity, and heritage. The type of local distinctiveness I also want our LDF to also protect are the places that hold the shared social value that bind a community together. How do we translate into Core Policy policy terms the need to repect and conserve the streambank because its where generations of children have played, protect the last small orchard of a particular cider apple, the field for the annual village bonfire, the funny shaped tree that everyone knows, the site of a famous murder, the wood where everyone goes to see the bluebells, etc etc. These places have a huge imbued local significance but may not feature in the usual forms of local protection. There needs to be the opportunity for the community to highlight these, and for the Planning process to give them due weight as they are an important part of place shaping. Can you advise whether any authority has tackled this issue in their LDF please, or even created a hook in their Core documents for later use?
Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: Local distinctiveness and LDF

Interesting question - some initial thoughts... There are different open space typologes (PPG17) including natural open space and amenity green space - could you hang such areas off your open space policy? After all open space doesn't have to be a park. Alternatively, since its now a spatial planning system hang it off a 'wellbeing' policy Or get it designated as common land!!!
Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: Local distinctiveness and LDF

Peter, a useful hook could be to ensure a commitment in any local distinctive/place/historic environment core strategy policy to the completion of Conservation Area Appraisals/mngt plans, Village Design Statements, Parish Plans, or Neighborhood Plans (SPDs?). This can provide a useful means to involve local communities, establishing the evryday local social value and providing the basis for an effective management of precious places and spaces. More likely to be succesful where land under LA control/ownership? R
Laurie Platt, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: Local distinctiveness and LDF

New Member Posts: 4 Join Date: 20/10/11 Recent Posts
Sheffield City Council has proposed policy G5 Development and Area Character, in our Draft City Policies and Sites document:
Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: Local distinctiveness and LDF

Peter, we have had to tackle this very issue head on and have a draft policy ready to consult upon. As it is a draft we have no weblink to it at the moment but if you'd like to get in touch I'd be happy to send you a copy.
Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: Local distinctiveness and LDF

We have extensive experience of carrying out Sustainability Appraisals. Results show that the issues of sense of place, local distinctiveness and the identification of non-designated features and areas of community value regularly come up as being weakly addressed or lacking in Core Strategy planning. There is no singular solution to this. We have found that green infrastructure planning can help. So can links with historic characterisation projects, which some local authorities have prepared. On a community level the forthcoming Neighbourhood Plans may help, although these are without identity or prescription at the moment.