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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - This week

Re: HSE involvement in development planning around high hazard industrial s

Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

HSE involvement in development planning around high hazard industrial sites

I am one of HM Inspectors of Health & Safety. I have recently begun a project, the object of which is to investigate ways in which the Health and Safety Executive could become involved early in development planning issues around high hazard industrial (COMAH) sites. HSE is a statutory consultee with respect to planning applications within the consultation zones of COMAH sites. At present, LPAs use HSE's PADHI+ software to determine whether HSE's response would be AA (advise against) or DAA (don't advise against), the dvelopment. If HSE was involved prior to planning applications, time & money would be saved. I think that HSE involvement at the LDF stage seems the most logical, but I would like to seek opinions from people within the system.
Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: HSE involvement in development planning around high hazard industrial s

Will, While I was at Dacorum BC I was involved in preparing the East Hemel Hempstead AAP - which included the Buncefield Oil Terminal. We did a lot of work wih the HSE and EA at the Issues and Options stage to look how to develop options for the site and surrounding area. Although I have since moved I'm sure my former colleagues would be more than happy to share experience and knowledge. I would suggest getting in touch with Forward Planning. All the best Alex Robinson
Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: HSE involvement in development planning around high hazard industrial s

Alex, Thank you very much for your information and helpful suggestion. I will ask my colleagues in HSE & contact Dacorum BC, as you suggest. Regards Will
Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: HSE involvement in development planning around high hazard industrial s

Hi Will The HSE have a big role to play in Hartlepool, particularly after today's announcement on nuclear power! There are a number of hazardous installations on the north side of the Tees which potentially have implications in respect of employment land in that area. Our core strategy is at preferred options stage. Being DM I'm not overly sure how much involvement HSE has had but might be worth checking out and having a chat with our policy guys.
Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: HSE involvement in development planning around high hazard industrial s

Suggest you also contact Ellesmre Port and Neston which also have a lot of experience in this field.
Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: HSE involvement in development planning around high hazard industrial s

Woops sorry, since 2009 they are part of Cheshire West and Chester
Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: HSE involvement in development planning around high hazard industrial s

Dear Jason, Thanks for your information & suggestions. The issue of development around nuclear sites is one for our colleagues in the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR). However, your comments about hazardous installations on the north side of the Tees are very interesting and I will follow them up, thank you. Regards, Will
Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: HSE involvement in development planning around high hazard industrial s

Dear Andrew, Thank you very much for your helpful suggestion & information. I will follow it up. Regards Will