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Re: Integrating HIA, EqIA and Sustainability Appraisal in DPD preparation

Helen Breen, modified 12 Years ago.

Integrating HIA, EqIA and Sustainability Appraisal in DPD preparation

New Member Posts: 15 Join Date: 20/10/11 Recent Posts
We're in the early stages of preparing a Land Allocations and Citywide Policies DPD, and have developed an SA Framework which integrates site appraisal and sustainability appraisal. We feel it would make sense, although not sure how straightforward, to also try and integrate HIA and EqIA to possibly reduce the amount of work required at a later date. Just wondered if anyone has attempted this and could give me some tips. Thanks
Ryan Shepherd, modified 12 Years ago.

Re: Integrating HIA, EqIA and Sustainability Appraisal in DPD preparation

New Member Posts: 15 Join Date: 20/10/11 Recent Posts
Helen, we took a similar approach for our Draft Core Strategy which we consulted on earlier this year. We appointed consultants to produce an Integrated Impact Assessment which included SA, HIA and EqIA reports. It is worth looking at the final report and the non-technical summary to see the output - they might give you some pointers for your approach. Given the overlap between some of these assessments the report tries to tie the assessments and recommendations together, although separate HIA and EqIA reports were included as appendices. We are hopeful that it will make updating easier in the future as the report gathers together a whole range of information and assessments. Reports are on our website here: Hope you find these helpful