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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Today

NPPF - Peat Permissions

Former Member, modified 12 Years ago.

NPPF - Peat Permissions

Hi all, As you may know the NPPF is clear that no new peat extraction or extensions to existing sites should be permitted. This is assumed to refer to physical extensions to sites but what about extensions of time when a planning permission is about to expire? Should section 73 applications to extend time working be permitted? Or should they only be permitted if there are overriding benefits (e.g. environmental) or unless to do so would have a significant impact on the reserves of peat permitted over a plan period? If they should be permitted is there a warranted case to not allow extensions of time to be set beyond the final peat usage phase out target of 2030, which is set in the Government's Natural Environment White Paper? All opinons appreciated. Thanks