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NPPF : who is the senior official controllng the NPPF day-to-day?

Former Member, modified 12 Years ago.

NPPF : who is the senior official controllng the NPPF day-to-day?

Although Greg Clark announced the NPPF I assume he has better things to do than manage the NPPF on a day-to-day basis! Would Chief Planner, Steve Quartermain, have this role? Or does senior day-to-day management of the NPPF lie somewhere else entirely?
Former Member, modified 12 Years ago.

Re: NPPF : who is the senior official controllng the NPPF day-to-day?

The word in Whitehall was that Greg Clarke did personally project manage the pulling together the final NPPF draft rather than a civil servant. The first draft was never civil service led either - but led by John Howells with John Rhodes, though there was civil service input before and after the PAS draft (via milkround) I dont think the DCLG ever got through the consultation responses though, despite an 'army of interns', the final consultation report still has not been published.
Former Member, modified 12 Years ago.

Re: NPPF : who is the senior official controllng the NPPF day-to-day?

@Andrew What's the "PAS draft" ?
Former Member, modified 12 Years ago.

Re: NPPF : who is the senior official controllng the NPPF day-to-day?

Sorry PAG draft Richard, PAF my PINS despite the PSA I PAFFED up confusing acronyms
Former Member, modified 12 Years ago.

Re: NPPF : who is the senior official controllng the NPPF day-to-day?

A quick reminder about the original post: Can anyone suggest who is the senior official controllng the NPPF day-to-day? Many thanks!
Former Member, modified 12 Years ago.

Re: NPPF : who is the senior official controllng the NPPF day-to-day?

Hi Richard, It depends what you're after. You've asked for the senior day-to-day, which is a bit of an oxymoron. There are theme leads within the planning team (although they change and I don't know that they are "public") who would probably end up answering any question of detail. And as you mentioned, Steve Quartermain is head planner. He also speaks a lot of sense, and would redirect you as appropriate. You could just ask DCLG -
Former Member, modified 12 Years ago.

Re: NPPF : who is the senior official controllng the NPPF day-to-day?

>>> You could just ask DCLG. Done! They are getting back to me as (you have also pointed out) the answer appears to be more complex than a single contact name.