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Re: Neighbourhood plans conformity with Local Plan DM policies

Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Neighbourhood plans conformity with Local Plan DM policies

The NPPF (para 184) says that "Neighbourhood plans must be in general conformity with the STRATEGIC POLICIES of the Local Plan" (my emphasis). Am I right in assuming that this implies that Local Plans need to state explicitly which policies should be regarded as "strategic" for neighbourhood planning purposes? Does this also apply for DM policies if the Council expects them to be applied universally across the Plan area?
Jo Witherden, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Neighbourhood plans conformity with Local Plan DM policies

Enthusiast Posts: 33 Join Date: 21/10/11 Recent Posts
I think it certainly would help. What we have done is set out a 'strategic approach' which pulls out the key elements of the plan (including DM policies) in just under 2 sides of A4 (the NPPF is the only document that can be slimmed!). For the avoidance of doubt we have also included a policy specifically on neighbourhood planning which says that the plans should show how they are contributing towards the strategic objectives of the local plan and be in general conformity with its strategic approach (and goes on to say a few more things). Whether this will pass the examination (of our local plan) has yet to be seen. You can view the draft plan at