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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - This week

Re: Call for Sites - DPDs & SPDs

Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Call for Sites - DPDs & SPDs

During drafting of the Consultation Strategy for certain DPDs and SPDs, there was a question raised about whether a 'Call for Sites' is necessary. I have searched for 'Calls for Sites', and when they are required, in regulations and guidance but I cannot find much. Am I missing something? Does anyone have any insight into where I can find guidance/legislation on the requirements for 'Calls for Sites', or just some advice?
Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Call for Sites - DPDs & SPDs

I don't think a call for sites is a requirement of the regs - to be honest, the regs on plan preparation have very little in them these days so in theory there is scope for a great deal of flexibility at this stage. However, I would regard a call for sites as good practice and an essential element of getting started, at least for site allocations DPDs, as it helps you as an officer find potential sites in your local authority area and is a first round of consultation, particularly for developers/landowners who are obviously very keen to put their sites forward. In practice, while call for sites tend to be time limited (6 weeks) I have accepted submissions outside of the formal consultation period, so long as a site is considered alongside all other potential sites in the draft plan. You might want to check SA regs as well to make sure there aren't other aspects to consider.
Ian McDonald, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Call for Sites - DPDs & SPDs

Enthusiast Posts: 70 Join Date: 15/05/12 Recent Posts
What about SHLAA? Paragraphs 158-159 of the NPPF refers to SHLAA. Although there is nothing about 'Call for Sites' in the NPPF but it is clear that the SHLAA must be up-to-date. Our SHLAA is updated annually and include sites that have already been granted planning permission and sites that have been put forward by landowners and developers.