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Re: Local Green Spaces - Anyone attempted to tackle them?

Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Local Green Spaces - Anyone attempted to tackle them?

Has anyone any experience with designation of local green spaces. We attempted to approach them by asking parish councils and civic groups to nominate areas of land that may be suitable. In the request we explained the criteria for selection. The response was sketchy to say the least and we are now left with a situation that if we look to designate any in the Local Plan it wil be a patchy approach unless we attempted to do a detailed survey to identify others which would have cost and time implications. Has anyone out there tried to incorporate them in a Local Plan and if so what approach did you take?
Eben van der Westhuizen, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Local Green Spaces - Anyone attempted to tackle them?

New Member Posts: 5 Join Date: 21/01/12 Recent Posts
David, Have a look at London Borough of Redbridge's Core Strategy Review here: It appears to be thorough and must have been time consuming so probably not a suitable option for you. I could be wrong, but as far as I am aware, this will be the first London borough that will incorporate Local Green Space in their Local Plan. Also note that the Taylor Review recommended new guidance on Local Green Space. It appears that Local Green Space was created to bring Village Greens into the planning sytem. As it currently stands (without gonvernment guidance), the criteria/test are tricky to interpret for LPA's in built-up urban environments. Good Luck
Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Local Green Spaces - Anyone attempted to tackle them?

David, We have explored the designation of LGS in some detail as a number of residents were keen for an area of green space to be designated as LGS through our emerging Site Allocations Plan. We initially came up with a draft methodology for appraising sites, however considering the matter in detail (including legal advice), whilst the NPPF states LGS can be designated through LPs and NDP, we concluded that it is more appropriate and beneficial for communities to be designating LGS through NDPs only. Designating LGS through NDPs allows communities to identify sites with the consensus of the community and the opportunity to justify the sites through the NDP examination process rather than submitting the information to the Council, and in effect, the Council making the final decision as to the importance attached to sites (ultimately the Council will need to justify designation at Examination). Hope this helps
Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Local Green Spaces - Anyone attempted to tackle them?

Thanks Eben and Chris. Chris can I ask what form was the legal advice that you took? Which authority do you work for?
Former Member, modified 10 Years ago.

Local Green Spaces - Anyone attempted to tackle them?

 Canterbury in its draft local plan has not mentioned LGSs incredibly  but on asking has advised communities to request LGS status for  relevant  open spaces by making a request in the   response to the open space polcy para.  Sadly one has to 'object' in the on-line software to make such a request.

Objecting is not logical   since   local government are not required to  bring LGSs forward  so  cannot formaly be criticised for not doing so.  However it seems reasonable  to expect councils to publicise  both the ability to  request LGSs and indeed the to need to do so during the plan  consultation process (for otherwise the  time intensive process of a neighbourhood plan is needed) .

 I am not a local planner  and would appreciate profesionals commenting on an LGS issue. An LGS can only be developed  in  exceptional circumstances. The NPPF wording appears to be a tighter requirement than the  standard hurdles for open space development set out in the NPPF and of course one cannot  provide  alternative  land  when by defintion the LGS, like a village green, is definded by its proximity to local people and indeed needs that  character to be approved in the first place.





Eben van der Westhuizen, modified 10 Years ago.

Local Green Spaces - Anyone attempted to tackle them?

New Member Posts: 5 Join Date: 21/01/12 Recent Posts


Although the first sentence of para 77 of the NPPF appears to be restrictive: "The Local Green Space designation will not be appropriate for most green areas or open space. The designation should only be used..." the draft Planning Practice Guidance on LGS effectively says it is up to local communities to define the details of how the criteria tests in para 77 will be interpreted locally.

The matter you seem to be raising is however not about the identification of LGS but the consultation process and therefore potentially the soundness of the plan and more specifically whether it is/will be justified.

NPPF para 76 states: "Local communities through local and neighbourhood plans should be able to identify for special protection green areas of particular importance to them." and note what the PAS Soundness Self-Assessment Checklist (which although not required, has become a document which most authorities submit as part of their examination library) asks under the ‘Justified’ section.


Former Member, modified 10 Years ago.

Local Green Spaces - Anyone attempted to tackle them?

Thank you Eben. Appreciated.  

Some applications  are being processed  currently  for our town ( Whitstable) including the beach;  which  oddly enough happens  to be partly green and owned by Mr Green. 

 The only practical issue  that has come up so far is mapping.

Separately, there may be an issue of interaction of LGS applications and emerging allocations. It would seem appropriate re  forthcoming local plan drafts  that  community promoters of LGSs put in their applications at the same time as developers to avoid later problems.



Former Member, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Local Green Spaces - Anyone attempted to tackle them?

Hi all,

We, Plymouth, are currently out to consultation on Local Green Space. 

Our question is whether Local Authorities themselves can nominate spaces as well as the community. If anyone has a clear answer to this then please let me know.

Many thanks,


Ian McDonald, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Local Green Spaces - Anyone attempted to tackle them?

Enthusiast Posts: 70 Join Date: 15/05/12 Recent Posts
I don't see why not.  Over the summer we invited Parish Councils to nominate sites after receiving not-so-good responses from local residents and the Parishes came up with site suggestions.  We had a Parish who nominated a site in their village and we (local authority) nominated a site in another village because both sites are very similar.  The Local Green Space sites will be protected in our Part 2 Local Plan which we are aiming to consult in early 2016 with the examination towards the end of 2016.  Let's hope the Inspector would be happy with what we have done.
Former Member, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Local Green Spaces - Anyone attempted to tackle them?

Hi Ian, which local authority are you working at? Can you send me a link to information online or, if it is not available - can you get in touch for a chat? / 01752 304229



Ian McDonald, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Local Green Spaces - Anyone attempted to tackle them?

Enthusiast Posts: 70 Join Date: 15/05/12 Recent Posts
The information is not available online.  We are currently drafting the Local Green Space document as a background evidence for our Part 2 Local Plan.