Community involvment in SHLAA preparation - Public forum - Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Community involvment in SHLAA preparation
The current DCLG Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Guidance (July 2007) states at Figure 2 (p.7) that the survey and assessment stage of SHLAA preparation should include key stakeholders, including local communities.
Given that a SHLAA is essentially a technical piece of work that looks at suitability, availability and achievability and therefore developability and deliverability, it is not clear what the purpose of local community input is to the process given that they may predominantly have a NIMBY perspective.
The new beta draft online Planning Practice Guidance states under Assessment of Land Availability, also states that local communities should be included in the preparation of the evidence base in relation to land availability.
Can anyone share or signpost to best practice of involvment of local communities in SHLAA/SELAA preparation?
As we move towards pre-submissin with both a Jont Core Strategy and a Local Plan we do not want to be challenged on a technicality that we could addess through review of SHLAA & SELAA ,
Louise Follett