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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - May

Keyworker Housing

Former Member, modified 17 Years ago.

Keyworker Housing

We are looking at a key worker housing (Use Class C3) proposal to be built next to a large (and soon to be made larger) regional hospital. The KWH is to be built outside the hopital precinct on a site not owned by the NHS, and is suitable for this purpose eg will provide housing for hospital staff, support the training regime of the Hospital, and the Hospital grounds will provide much of the KWH parking need. But there is an issue of how can this be controlled to ensure that the Hospital link remains and that the use does not change to open market housing. Has anyone any experience of doing this ? How do you define KWH? Can you restrict occupants to HNS staff ? Comments welcome