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Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995

Former Member, modified 17 Years ago.

Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995

My copy of the GPDO goes up to Part 33. I have been informed there are further parts added??? Can anyone shed any light on the addational parts and if they are published where I can get an updated copy as HMSO have sent the same copy I already have.
Former Member, modified 17 Years ago.

a response from communities

Tony, I forwarded this on to communities and got the following response --- Parts 34 to 38 (Crown PDRs), as well as an amended Part 13 (Highways) are, with further amendments to the body of the GPDO, in The Town and Country Planning (Application of Subordinate Legislation to the Crown) Order 2006 (SI 2006 No. 1282). This is on the OPSI website at: Anyone interested in Crown development should also read SIs 2006 Nos 1281, 1283 and 1284, together with 1457 and 1469. These are now mostly incorporated into the Planning Encyclopedia --- Hope this is helpful! John Chantler Information & Support Officer Planning Advisory Service
Former Member, modified 17 Years ago.

Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995

John that is most helpful. Thank you very much. Tony