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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Planning Expert System

Former Member, modified 17 Years ago.

Planning Expert System

We are thinking of purchasing the PARSOL Plannning Expert System. Has anyone prepared a business case in addition to the draft PARSOL version?
Former Member, modified 17 Years ago.

Planning Expert System

Jim Worley, of Melton Borough Council, was the PARSOL Expert System Steering Group Chairperson, he may know of an implementing authority who has conducted their own business case study prior to implementation. Also, just for clarity, PARSOL only developed the Expert System Q&A scripts and supporting XML integration schemas; i.e. no actual software system. Third-party companies then sell their own knowledge-base software, customised with the PARSOL Q&A scripts, preferably integrated into a LPAs back-office systems, for delivery online or through contact centres.