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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Re: e- Consultation with Parish Councils

Former Member, modified 16 Years ago.

e- Consultation with Parish Councils

When PARSOL originally looked at statutory consultees, Parish Councils were excluded (article 13 GDPO 1995). At Kirklees are encouraging consultees to use planning applications on our web site and email in order to exchange comments, and on the whole we have been successful. However Parish Councils are proving more difficult to persuade and we have not been able to agree with any in our district that e-consultation can take place. It is possible that they will be the only consultee requiring a paper copy of the application when we upgrade our systems (completion date April 2008) to enable full integration with 1 App and the proposed e-consultation hub. Their main concern is that they do not have, and cannot afford, systems to enable on line consultations. Also their methods of working mean that it suits them to have paper copies. For example one PC splits copies of plans up between members so that they can look at different aspects of a development. They also seem to have limited access to IT, and do not seem to be inclined to increase this simply to enable improved consultation. The potential mutual benefits have been explained, but to no avail. Obviously we would like to consult with PC's on line, but I do not see any means of compulsion. If anyone has any suggestions as to how we persuade them otherwise I'd be grateful.
Former Member, modified 15 Years ago.

Re: e- Consultation with Parish Councils

Hi Eric, We are currently part of the 'live' trial for the Planning Portals e-Consultation Hub and this is worth looking at as it enables one PC to spread the consultation across members. It is very flexible in how the system works. Our PC's & TC's have a 25/75% split of opinion on e-Consultation, the lesser amount wanting to be e-consulted. We surveyed the PC's & TC's as to how they currently work, what ICT resources they have and also what level of training is available. From this survey, it is apparent that the following are show stoppers: - No broadband access within the room where planning committee's are held. No multi-media projector for use during committees A lack of an online measuring tool. Lack of ICT training. At SMBC we have agreed to provide ICT equipment in order to facilitate e-Consultation. Once this is complete and the measuring tool is live we will cease to provide hard copy documents. If you would like to know more please email myself at You should also be able to get advice and training for members of staff and PC's/TC's from the Planning Portal. Contact your area manager for this. Regards, Andy.