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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Re: Policies on Requiring New Homes to be built to Code Standards

Former Member, modified 14 Years ago.

Policies on Requiring New Homes to be built to Code Standards

Are there any examples out there of LPA's who have adopted policies that requrie new homes to be built to the Code for Sustainable Homes standards, and if so what level?
Former Member, modified 14 Years ago.

Re: Policies on Requiring New Homes to be built to Code Standards

Brighton and Hove have adopted an SPD requiring such standards. Go to and search for SPD08 'Sustainable Building Design'.
Former Member, modified 14 Years ago.

Re: Policies on Requiring New Homes to be built to Code Standards

Canterbury City Council also have an adopted SPD requiring the Code for Sustainable Homes standards entitled "Sustainable Construction". At the moment the requirement is to reach Level 3 but that is to go up to Level 4 as of April this year. Link to the SPD is I have attached a copy anyway.
Former Member, modified 14 Years ago.

Re: Policies on Requiring New Homes to be built to Code Standards

Interesting. I note that no viability testing appears to have been done upfront on either of these SPD, but is left to the developer to prove that meeting the required level (set out in a Core Strategy?) is not viable. This prompts me to ask: - Has this caused any issues either at Appeal or in site specific negotiations? - How much is achieving the CfSH standard seen as a priority for each Council in relation to, say, on-site affordable housing provision; education contributions; or other planning obligations? In other words, if meeting the Code level removes scope for any other contributions, are they waived? I'm assuming few sites can hit the required Level and also meet all other S106 requests. Thanks
Former Member, modified 14 Years ago.

Re: Policies on Requiring New Homes to be built to Code Standards

I've just come across an event that BRE Global are running in June to share good practice on developing policies with Code/BREEAM requirements. The event will also cover pre-application discussions and discharging conditions on these topics. More information and guidance is on their website:
Maggie Magennis, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: Policies on Requiring New Homes to be built to Code Standards

New Member Posts: 6 Join Date: 22/05/11 Recent Posts
The conference Helen referred to above is also running on dates in June and July 2011