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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - May

Farm shops : are cakes, chutneys and jams 'processed foods'?

Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Farm shops : are cakes, chutneys and jams 'processed foods'?

Hi, Farm shops can sell their own produce without planning permission being required. However planning will be needed for 'processed foods'. So : does anyone have a definition for 'processed food' in this context? Specifically can jams, chutneys, bread, cakes etc made on the farm be sold without needing planning permission? Thanks!
Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Farm shops : are cakes, chutneys and jams 'processed foods'?

Hi Richard, My understanding was that if a product contained ingredients from the farm, then it was acceptable. I seem to recall that if something like 50% or more of the ingredients originated on the farm it could be sold via gate sales. How that percentage is calculated is a little less certain,, i.e. weight, volume, no. of ingredients? There was also something that allowed for some items of sale to come in from elsewhere so long as most of the products on sale originated from the farm itself but I don't know the numbers. As for 'processed', unless there actually exists a regularised definition, all food is processed one way or another. Is bacon processed by the mere fact it is formed within the butchery process?