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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Today

New Homes Bonus and Student Accommodation

Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

New Homes Bonus and Student Accommodation

We are currently seeking further advice regarding student accommodation and how the New Homes Bonus applies. We are aware student accommodation does trigger the new homes bonus payment however we are unsure as to how this is applied to units. For example does 1 student bed room equate to 1 property or does 1 unit of say 6 student beds with shared facilities equate to 1 property for the purposes of calculating the New Homes Bonus payable or is this applied in a different way? Any further information regarding this matter would be very much appreciated.
Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: New Homes Bonus and Student Accommodation

New Homes Bonus is triggered strictly by dwellings as defined for Council Tax purposes and as returned to the government every Autumn in the Council Tax Base (CTB) return.(The list of dwellings is actually maintained by the Listing Officer who will work for the local Valuation Office agency rather than local government). A student bedroom is not going to be a dwelling appearing on the Council Tax list, whereas the cluster flat it may be a part of presumably will. Bottom line: if it's a dwelling in your council tax list then it will trigger the NHB: not otherwise.