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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Today

Date of registration of valid application submitted via the Portal

Former Member, modified 10 Years ago.

Date of registration of valid application submitted via the Portal

Am I correct in thinking that an LPA must register a planning application submitted via the Planning Portal from the next working day after it was submitted as a valid application, regardless of how long it takes them to pick the application off the Portal?

Example, I submitted a planning application and paid the correct fee on Friday 20th December.  I received the automated email from the Portal on 31st December confirming that the LPA had downloaded the infromation.  Today the LPA have published details on their website and the date of registation is 31st December!  If my application was valid when it was submitted (which I believe it was and the LPA have not denied) why was it not registered from 23rd December, i.e. the next working day following submission?

If my understanding is correct can anyone point me to the relevant guidance so I can throw it back to the LPA and get them to change the date.


Former Member, modified 10 Years ago.

Date of registration of valid application submitted via the Portal

You are correct.  The start date should be the day after it has been submitted and is valid.  Go to the communities document Guidance on information requirements and validation March 2010 para.32

Former Member, modified 10 Years ago.

Date of registration of valid application submitted via the Portal

Many thanks - I'll let you know how I get on.

I'd be interested to know if this is a common occurance across the country.  In this case, it is a very large LPA who should, and no doubt do, know better.  However, sadly I suspect there are other reasons why they have done this which are more do to with hitting internal performance targets as opposed to providng a quality service to the public and the development industry.

martin hutchings, modified 10 Years ago.

Date of registration of valid application submitted via the Portal

Enthusiast Posts: 30 Join Date: 26/02/13 Recent Posts

Hello AS - did ou ever get to the bottom of this? Target chasing can make some councils act in strange ways and not always in the customer's interests (which I am working on changing with Framework4Quality). There are known issues however with Portal applications and payments being 'tied together' (I know, it's 2014, but there you go). This, combined with the time of year may have resulted in the registration date for you app being 10 days after it should have been. Maybe one of our council planners could comment  - is this a likely scenario?

Ed Murphy, modified 10 Years ago.

Date of registration of valid application submitted via the Portal

New Member Posts: 16 Join Date: 12/08/13 Recent Posts

Even if the application wasn't 'registered' until x days after lodgement, the validation date will be the date following the receipt of a valid application, so the stat time periods will start from the latter.

Some LPAs have been very slow to download from the Portal, register & upload applns to their website over the Christmas period, but the validation date and target date should not be changed by such delays (painful though that can be for an LPA).