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Relationship Between Local Planning Authorities and Designers (Dissertation

Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Relationship Between Local Planning Authorities and Designers (Dissertation

Good Morning Everyone, I am in the process of completing my literature review on the subject of 'the relationship between local planning authorities and designers, in the context of design' (Working Title). This has been broken down, quite accidently, into the chapters 'early studies', 'changing face of design' and 'design and access statements'. A piece of literature I have reviewed references a PAS study 'Design and Access Statements: Report from a Learning Group Comprising 16 LPAs' (2008). I can't find this study on this website and would be most grateful if someone could provide a link to it. Any similar studies would also be welcomed, as would any relating to the headings I've set out above. I've got a very decent reference list going, comprising mainly of CABE, Government and Carmona/Paterson studies, but I am starting to run dry in my searches. Many thanks in advance Michael Pittuck
Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: Relationship Between Local Planning Authorities and Designers (Disserta

The thing you are looking for is called "access all areas" and it is here Good luck with your studies !
Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: Relationship Between Local Planning Authorities and Designers (Disserta

Thankyou Richard, I had come across this document but hadn't scanned it thoroughly enough to see the link. Thanks again Michael
nicholas waring, modified 10 Years ago.

Relationship Between Local Planning Authorities and Designers (Dissertation

Enthusiast Posts: 31 Join Date: 21/01/12 Recent Posts


You must have John Punter/Cardiff in their too? He has been working for thirty years on aspects of design control and the design dimension of planning, and this has included major studies in British cities, Wales, Europe, the USA and Canada, and most recently in Australia.