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Biodiversity metric v3.1

Bronwen Chinien, modified 2 Years ago.

Biodiversity metric v3.1

New Member Posts: 3 Join Date: 07/03/22 Recent Posts

I am trying to understand when more distant off site provision of biodiversity units is penalised by the 'spatial risk multiplier' in metric 3.1. I have read  Biodiversity metric 3.1 User Guide (para 5.53 and Table 5-7) but still not clear!   

In the scenarios below, which multiplier (1, 0.75 or 0.5) would apply?

a)  off site provision is in the same LPA as development site AND in the same National Character Area (NCA)

b) off site provision is in a neighbouring LPA to development site AND is in a neighbouring NCA

c) off site provision is in the same LPA as development site BUT is in a neighbouring NCA

d) off site provision is in a neighbouring LPA to development site BUT in the same NCA

e) off site provision is in the same LPA as development site BUT is in a beyond neighbouring NCA 

f) off site provision is in a beyond neighbouring LPA to development site BUT is in the same NCA

a = 1,   b=0.75,   c = ?,    d = ?,   e= ?,   f=?

Some LPAs span numerous National Character Areas (NCAs) (e.g. Tandridge x4, Waverley x5). 

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