Fees for confirmation of discharge of S106 obligations - Public forum - Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Fees for confirmation of discharge of S106 obligations
Andy Duncan, modified 2 Years ago.
Fees for confirmation of discharge of S106 obligations
New Member Posts: 15 Join Date: 20/10/11 Recent PostsWe charge a £60 admin fee to confirm to solicitors that S106 obligations have been discharged. This covers officer time to check the S106 against planning records etc. Usually this crops up for house purchases on relatively new estates. One local solicitor has challenged the fee saying that a covenant in the S106 agreement requires us to provide the information free of charge. This is what it says:
"Discharge of obligations
At the written request of the Owner the Council shall forthwith provide such written confirmation of the discharge of the obligations contained in this deed when satisfied that such obligations have been performed."
Our interpretation is that just means we have to provide the information “without delay”, it doesn’t say “free of charge”.
A quick Google shows that many other LPAs apply a charge for this service, most charging more than we do. So it would appear to be standard practice.
If your LPA has a charge, what legislation/regulations/power do you rely on to apply the charge?
Would you consider that the wording of a covenant in a particular S106 agreement prevents you from applying a standard charge for the confirmation service as a whole?
We have sought advice from our legal dept but I wondered what others do.
Thanks for any advice.
carmel huntley, modified 2 Years ago.
RE: Fees for confirmation of discharge of S106 obligations
New Member Posts: 18 Join Date: 21/05/20 Recent PostsHi,
We charge for these S106 compliance requests at Watford too (£15) and state "An administration fee is charged for some search services".
I must admit that when I first read this, I agreed with your approach that this covenant doesn't mean it should be exempt from paying the fee but now i've re-read it quite a few times, I don't think you can charge. In my opinion, this covenant overrides any standard fee. Hopefully, it is not covenant that you have on all your agreements. I just checked one of ours and we don't include anything like that.
Hope this helps, Carmel
carmel huntley, modified 2 Years ago.
RE: Fees for confirmation of discharge of S106 obligations
New Member Posts: 18 Join Date: 21/05/20 Recent PostsThis is so random but I just came across this as I was doing some of my own research about monitoring fees..... Link: https://democracy.boston.gov.uk/documents/s11621/S106%20MONITORING%20FEES%20CHARGES.pdf
3.2 Legal agreements typically state: ‘At the written request of the Owner the Council shall provide written confirmation of the discharge of the obligations contained in this Deed when satisfied such obligations have been performed, such confirmation shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.’
3.3 Based on this, the Council is obligated to confirm agreement to the Owner who is usually the developer, but not subsequent owners, such as those of individual properties or those resulting from future sales.
Andy Duncan, modified 2 Years ago.
RE: Fees for confirmation of discharge of S106 obligations
New Member Posts: 15 Join Date: 20/10/11 Recent PostsThanks Carmel, that's very helpful. I'm discussing this with our legal dept so if I get a definitive answer I'll post back to this thread.
Louise Weaver, modified 2 Years ago.
RE: Fees for confirmation of discharge of S106 obligations
New Member Posts: 11 Join Date: 23/07/21 Recent PostsWe charge £116, but also try to have the S106 Discharges Notices available to view on the Online Planning Register free of charge and direct customers there first.
We use the Council's 'Prices for Council Services', which is reviewed alongside the budget as the mechanism for setting this type of charge.
P.S: Is there a definition of Owner?
Andy Duncan, modified 2 Years ago.
RE: Fees for confirmation of discharge of S106 obligations
New Member Posts: 15 Join Date: 20/10/11 Recent PostsHi Louise
The owner is defined in the parties section at the head of the S106. It's the developer of the original permission. A further para states that:
"Reference to any party to this deed shall include the successors in title to that party and to any person deriving title though or under that party and in case of the Council the successors to their respective statutory functions."
However, a further para states that:
"The obligations in this deed shall not be enforceable against the purchasor or owner of a completed dwelling."
Which does make the solicitor's challenge a bit academic as the S106 obligation to provide affordable housing does not apply to their client, which they would see if they read the document. They already have the document as we provide copies of S106 agreements free of charge.
I have received further advice from our legal dept, in summary the wording re confirmation of discharge of S106 obligations does not mention a fee but neither does it require the Council to provide the information free of charge. As confirmation of discharge is listed on the Council's website as a chargeable service then we can charge for it.
Hope that helps others.
Howard George, modified 2 Years ago.
RE: Fees for confirmation of discharge of S106 obligations
New Member Post: 1 Join Date: 23/07/21 Recent PostsWe charge a £109 Fee to confirm that S106 obligations have been met if the solicitor insists on a response from the council after we've first directed them to our Public Facing Planning website where the answer is usually freely available.
Cettina Robinson, modified 2 Years ago.
RE: Fees for confirmation of discharge of S106 obligations
New Member Posts: 12 Join Date: 15/08/16 Recent PostsWe charge £308 for s106 compliance requests from solicitors of potential buyers (usually of indivudual dwellings). This fee was agreed many years ago in the Council's annual price list.
We don't charge the Owner of the whole site. They usually automatically receive receipt letters confirming compliance/discharge of obligations however in some cases they do ask for this again years later.