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RE: Transferring SPD's to new Local Plans

Chris Butcher, modified 9 Years ago.

Transferring SPD's to new Local Plans

New Member Post: 1 Join Date: 01/09/14 Recent Posts

As with most local planning authorities, we have an adopted Local Plan with a number of SPD's supplementing various policies within it. What is the status of these SPD's when our new emerging Local Plan is eventually adopted? Do we need to re-consult on them and go through the formal adoption process again or is it more simple than that?

Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

Daniel Hudson, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Transferring SPD's to new Local Plans

Advocate Posts: 121 Join Date: 25/04/12 Recent Posts

If the policies on which the SPD's hang are superseded, then the SPDs themselves will also be superseded. I would suggest that

1) You review the SPDs against the new/emerging Local Plan and the NPPF;

2) If they remain relevant, make and consult on any necessary changes - I would imagine that most would be small updates - principally to the sections of the SPDs dealing with Policy linkages;

3) Consider, particularly in the case of site specific SPD, whether there are critical elements which should be included in policy in the new Local Plan.

Did you address the future of SPD in your Local Development Scheme?