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Can Local Criteria be applied to the Use Classes Order

Lisa Walton, modified 10 Years ago.

Can Local Criteria be applied to the Use Classes Order

Enthusiast Posts: 30 Join Date: 15/09/14 Recent Posts

Can anyone tell me whether you can apply local criteria when determining whether a change of use has occured?  For example running part of your house as a B&B without triggering a change of use from C3? Or does this always trigger a change of use?


Former Member, modified 10 Years ago.

RE: Can Local Criteria be applied to the Use Classes Order

It will always be a question fo fact and degree. 

I'm not sure what you mean by local criteria, but I don't see any harm in having a checklist which prompts officers to consider specific points when deciding.  Anything more prescriptive, e.g. a guideline that says using more than 2 rooms as a B&B is a change of use, runs the risk of being overly relied on.