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Encyclopeadia of Planning Law and Practice

Lisa Walton, modified 10 Years ago.

Encyclopeadia of Planning Law and Practice

Enthusiast Posts: 30 Join Date: 15/09/14 Recent Posts

Can I please ask whether it is a legal requirement for a Local Planning Authority to retain a copy of the above? Have any Councils cancelled their subscription?


Former Member, modified 10 Years ago.

RE: Encyclopeadia of Planning Law and Practice

It's not  a legal requirement, but I can't imagine how any LPA could do without one or at least having access to one. I assume that all council's legal departments will still have a copy. All the primary and secondary legislation and govt guidance is available from other sources, including most of it on-line. However, consolidated versions of legislation are not always available from other sources and the invaluable comentary contained in the Encyclopedia is not available anywhere else.    
Former Member, modified 10 Years ago.

RE: Encyclopeadia of Planning Law and Practice

We had two copies in my Authority until the Legal Department decided it could do it all online and stopped updating theirs.  We thankfully in Development Management decided to keep ours updated.  We have had a numbe of public inquiries and the barrister representing us wanted the Encyclopeadia in front of him to refer to during the inquiry. Thank goodness we had ours otherwise I am not sure what we would have done.  As an Enforcement Officer I find it an invaluable resource which I use all the time.