Neighbourhood Plan and conformity with Local Plans - Public forum - Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Neighbourhood Plan and conformity with Local Plans
Ann-Marie Howell, modified 10 Years ago.
Neighbourhood Plan and conformity with Local Plans
New Member Posts: 2 Join Date: 03/06/14 Recent PostsI am wondering if anyone can help with a couple of queries regarding neighbourhood plan preparation. We are a small rural authority and have an up to date Core Strategy and Site Allocations documents. A couple of parishes have expressed an interest in designating neighbourhood areas and the queries I have are as follows;
1. If a small village with no settlement boundary wishes to produce a neighbourhood plan to re-designate its boundary, to allow some growth, how does this fit in with our strategic plan which is quite clear in designating the village as being in countryside? To me this seems contrary to our strategic policies - but then again they are proposing more growth than in our Local Plan which is in accordance with the neighbourhood planning regulations?
2. If a village wishes to produce a plan with the aim of securing a development site, which during a recent Local Plan examination the Inspector was quite clear in stating was unsuitable for development due to conservation issues, can they proceed with trying to allocate it through a neighbourhood plan?
If anyone has experienced similar issues and can help that would be great!