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CIL Additional Questions and Validation of Planning Applications

Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

CIL Additional Questions and Validation of Planning Applications

Hi All

Does anybody know whether the CIL Additional Questions will become a National Requirement for validating applications on or before 1st April 2015, or will we have to amend our Local Requirements?



Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: CIL Additional Questions and Validation of Planning Applications

Hi Tim,

As a number of local authorities do not appear to be making progress towards the adoption of a CIL Charging Schedule I doubt that that it will be made a national validation requirement in time for April. Perhaps this could be raised by any appropriate lobbying groups of which you are a member as it appears to be a logical step on implementation. I am having some difficulties persuading my DM officers to undertake a formal review of our local validation list and without amendments I can see this being problematic. A number of authorities appear to have revised their local lists on an informal basis. I'd be interested to hear from others on this matter.


Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: CIL Additional Questions and Validation of Planning Applications

Thanks Robert

We hope to make the amendments to our local list following the required 8 week consultation. The committee cycle means we should get it done by mid February. One of our neighbouring councils intends doing the same, whilst the other seems less inclined to adopt the CIL for the time being.   


Rebecca Randall, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: CIL Additional Questions and Validation of Planning Applications

Enthusiast Posts: 60 Join Date: 06/05/14 Recent Posts

We at Sedgemoor District Council are reviewing our local validation list to incorporate CIL and will be requiring the CIL Additional Information Form for certain types of development. At a recent CIL event for developers, there were opposing views on whether this was a good thing, some developers saw extra validation requirements as adding beaurocracy, but others (particularly those who had been involved in CIL liable developments within other Districts) thought it should be a requirement to smooth the process. Overall, the discussion did not change our view that our Local Validation List should include CIL-related requirements.

I know that some other Local Authorities are not requesting CIL information until after the application has been determined so that it is only asked for developments that are liable AND have been granted permission. This approach I'm sure does cut out some work for Registration Teams and solves the issue of whether or not you include CIL requirements in your Local Validation Team.

Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: CIL Additional Questions and Validation of Planning Applications

Thanks Rebecca

I'll make sure the officer responsible for making the amendments makes it a requirement on applicable development and not all categories!
