Revoking Supplementary Planning Guidance/Documents - Public forum - Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Revoking Supplementary Planning Guidance/Documents
Lisa Walton, modified 6 Years ago.
Revoking Supplementary Planning Guidance/Documents
Enthusiast Posts: 30 Join Date: 15/09/14 Recent PostsHi All
Please can ask if anyone has any experience or just knows the process to revoke SPG/D? I've following regulations:
The LPA is able to revoke a supplementary planning document pursuant to section 25 of the Act[1]. The LPA must, as soon as reasonably practicable (a) cease to make any documents relating to the revoked supplementary planning document available in accordance with regulation 35; and (b) take such other steps as it considers necessary to draw the revocation of the supplementary planning document to the attention of persons living or working in their area.
What is not clear - is whether there is any time by which you have to wait before you actually cease using the document. There doesn't appear to be any. So essentially we can notify the relevant people, take down from the website, put up a statement to that affect and stop using it?
[1] The 2004 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act.