Entries with tag information graphics and visualisation .

wrote a new blog post
12 Jul 2014 - 15:09
If you have posted a parcel in the past few weeks the chances are you were asked what’s inside. The first time I was asked I thought the Clerk was being a bit nosey;  in fact the questions were for safety reasons. Royal Mail has produced a leaflet explaining what you can and cannot post; although it's a tad text heavy the symbols do help the sender to work out which... See more
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wrote a new blog post
12 Jul 2014 - 15:42
The Local Government Association have used Googlemaps to visualise shared services  throughout England as shown in the map below. Although shared services may not be suitable for every council or for that matter every service, the drastic public sector cuts we are witnessing mean major changes for every Local Authority. A search of the Guardian's Government Computing web pages showed... See more
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