
Backwards to a Glorious Future



 Where change has failed, let there be continuity. This is how one national news paper described the significance of a new person in charge in Manchester. That is Manchester United Football club but it could have been a reference to new leadership in any one of a number of Local Authorities after years of churn and unconvincing change. Instead of retuning to the attaching football that characterised the clubs golden era local authorities return to direct service provision, a focused on effectiveness rather than the obsession with efficiency and look beyond a limited range of performance indicators back to a time when local authorities took the lead in community cohesion, social inclusion and equality and diversity. But most of all in common with Manchester United  get the best out of a talented group of individuals and put the smile back on the faces of around the organisation. 


Let backwards to a glorious future be the new management mantra. Let management consultants abandon the worship of the private sector way in favour of the public sector ethos. Let us replace competition with cooperation, efficiency with effectiveness, league tables with service user satisfaction, customers with citizens. Let management be about inclusion not instruction. Let’s open up the debate not close it down. Let’s put integrity before loyalty. And let’s recognise the value of knowledge and experience and encourage not discourage specialism/expertise.  


Blair Mcpherson 


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