
Friends teaching AI to be sarcastic 


Artificial Intelligence (AI ) like Sheldon has trouble detecting sarcasm. The very brainy Sheldon is like AI very literal. But that could soon change using episodes of US comedies like The Big Bang Theory and Friends AI is being shown examples of sarcasm in order to identify it in communication with us humans. 

All very clever but necessary? Apparently those involved in the research say we use a lot more sarcasm than we realise. 

Do I really want a sarcastic computer? Do I want my Sat Nav to make sarcastic comments when I take a wrong turn or get my left and right mixed up. Chandler's sarcastic comment about other cast members are funny when experienced as an observer but when you’re the butt of the sarcasm it is just someone making out you’re stupid. In fact habitually making sarcastic comments is not an attractive quality. That’s why they say sarcasm is the lowest form of humour. 

Blair Mcpherson former Director author and blogger 


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