
LA’s can be noisy organisations 

There is a technique composers  use in which the piece starts with what appears a random selection of instruments all playing at once, making a loud noise. Gradually a rhythm imposes itself and a tune emerges as instruments fall in-line some going into the background others to the forefront. It is the contrast between the discordant, chaotic, introduction and the subsequent harmonious tune that is so effective. Organisations can make a lot of noise, as each department and every team does their own thing, paying no attention to what anyone else is doing, everyone thinks what they are doing is important and needs to be heard, but the effect is chaotic, disjointed and unproductive. The leader imposes structure and order, gives direction, sets the priorities and gradually clarity replaces noise, the result is improved performance.

Well that’s the theory but some sections of the organisation are naturally noisier than others. Social services are loud, Libraries and Museums quiet, Housing use to be louder so did schools but child protection screams, Parks and Leisure are calm. Even when they are not saying it out loud, in your head you can hear Environment’s chant, “ bins and pot holes, that’s what the public care about”

Finance must be heard, HR wish more people would listen, IT  is more of a hum and admin are seen but rarely heard. I should mention policy but they’re  a lone voice and communications which surprisingly considering their function are low key.  I haven’t mentioned legal services because you don’t often hear from them but when you do you better listen.

Despite the volume of all these efforts to be heard it’s hard to ignore the local MP’s insistent whispering in the ear.

Then there is the background noise you get in all organisations. The whispered rumours. The talk round the water cooler. The conversations behind closed doors. The moans about out of touch senior managers. And drowning out the calm reassuring noises coming from the leadership are the steady stream of alarming sound bits from central government. 

Is it any wonder that sometimes the leadership  put on their ear defenders. 

Blair Mcpherson former Director author and blogger 

Mwy o Gofrestriadau Blog

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