
Pornography and the work lap top

Three Judges are dismissed and one resigns caught viewing pornography on their work lap top.
Does the social media enable staff to share knowledge and experience or share sexists cartoons and racist jokes? The internet opened up a world of information, and  easier access to pornography. Facebook and Twitter allows fiends to share photos and the minutiae of their day, and others to express ill informed opinions, offensive comments and use the anonymity of the Internet to bully their victims. Email means messages can be sent and received instantly, so fast the message is sometimes sent before it has been properly considered. The use of social media needs to take account of the potential for abuse.  

As a director i championed equality and diversity across the organisation and was an enthusiastic advocate of the intranet as a way of prompting best practise sharing experience and knowledge . I was also chair of the disciplinary panel that dismissed a number of staff for circulating sexist cartoons and racist jokes and discovered this was just the tip of an ice berg. Dozens of people were using the Intranet to support each other in championing equality, hundreds were sharing inappropriate material via their office computer!

The genie is out of the bottle, it is true that social media can be away of encouraging staff engagement but it is also open to abuse. Just as parents are recognising the need to be vigilant and keep up with developments in the use of social media and not leave it teachers so to must managers in the work place and not leave it to IT and HR.

Blair McPherson author and commentator on the public sector

Mwy o Gofrestriadau Blog

The problem with social media in the workplace - there are more fiends than friends? :D