
Trained to feign indifference

The receptionist came out from behind the desk, spoke to and then stroked each one in turn. She clearly likes dogs. Not surprising you might say being as she works at a vets. Not so, we have been going to our vets for years and they are far more professional, they never smile, keep conversation to a minimum and never ever come out from behind the counter. Clearly the receptionist at the first vets had not had the training. I am not taking about the formal training which covers, how to enter info on to the computer , how to transfer a call or even "understanding confidentiality" I mean how receptionists learn to fain indifference, exhibit any sense  of urgency, avoid eye contact and of course prolong a conversation with a colleague whilst you wait impatiently.

So much of how people learn to behave at work is imparted "informally" in the staff room or whilst working alongside the more experienced co worker. We know this we even use it in inducting a new member of staff but then we act surprised that the canteen culture, as the police use to refer to it, is stronger than the formal training on customer care, equality and diversity and health and safety. Formal training doesn't cover the other uses of your lap top, maximising your expenses claims or how to look a lot busier than you are.

Absenteeism, bullying, stress, whistle blowing, competency. flexibility, these are issues that concern management, these are issues organisations have policies to cover but a new member of staff will soon pick up if co workers have a different view. What's your new colleagues’ attitude to taking the odd day off, doing overtime, and telling tales to management? What happens when the boss isn't around / watching. When there is too much work to do what are the unofficial ways of getting the job done?  Formal training doesn't cover how to fit in, informal training does.  

Blair McPherson


Mwy o Gofrestriadau Blog

Do you mean "feign" indifference?
I do. Thanks. Blair
Very good article. To paraphrase the old saw "Just because the manager doesn't have a view on the office culture, doesn't mean it doesn't have a view about them..."