Entries with tag sexual harassment .

ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
19 Rhag 2022 - 12:33
Do they still have office Christmas parties where the alcohol flows freely and people behave badly? Does the ban on alcohol mean it’s strictly a mince pies and coffee get together? Or do you work in a team where everyone gets on well enough to sit down together for a meal out.?  I have never been to one of those wild office Christmas parties where people drink too much, snog a colleague,... Gweld mwy
null 0
null 0 Sylwadau
null 191 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
12 Gorff 2014 - 15:26
The Government doesn’t think so. They certainly think we can’t afford the Equality and Human Rights Commission in its present shape and size. The new chair Baroness O’Neil is getting rid of some old trouble makers Simon Woolley, the only black commissioner and Lady Meral Hussein-Ece vice chair of the parliamentary all party group on race and community and the only Muslim commissioner. Both... Gweld mwy
null 2
null 0 Sylwadau
null 1239 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
12 Gorff 2014 - 15:11
The whole Jimmy Savile scandal has made people think about sexual harassment at work. The work place has changed since the 70’s and 80’s and many people assumed that even if there is still a pay gap between men and women sexual harassment was a thing of the past. So you might be surprised that the Equal Opportunity Commission reported in 2000 that 50% of women still experience sexual... Gweld mwy
null 1
null 0 Sylwadau
null 1407 golygfeydd