ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
10 Mawrth 2017 - 01:43
Am I lying or just overselling?  Am I bigging it up?  Making more of it than is justified?  Am I making something routine and commonplace sound different and innovative?  How else do I explain the manager who previously worked for the organisation who claims never to have heard of it or the manager still working for the organisation who states they have never experienced... Gweld mwy
null 0
null 0 Sylwadau
null 1026 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
20 Ion 2015 - 13:29
Equal opportunity monitoring.   Most organisations don’t know how many disabled people they employ, how many gay people work for them or which faiths make up the staff group. All they do know with any degree of certainty is the age and gender profile of their organisation plus may be some information on ethnicity. The reason for this is that staff have proved very reluctant to... Gweld mwy
null 0
null 2 Sylwadau
null 981 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
19 Rhag 2014 - 14:41
Mentoring as a way of developing leadership skills  One very effective way for a manager to continue their development is to identify a mentor. A management mentor is a guide, someone with greater experience and the wisdom that comes with it, someone who can offer impartial advice and support. Many senior managers find their own mentor often someone outside of their own organisation,... Gweld mwy
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null 0 Sylwadau
null 870 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
19 Rhag 2014 - 14:44
Coaching and mentoring as a way of developing leadership skills Employee surveys plus an analysis of harassment and bullying complaints revealed that many staff thought their manager had poor people management skills.  The Directorate set out to improve managers' people management skills stating that all managers should have leadership qualities that is the ability to inspire their... Gweld mwy
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null 1 Sylwadau
null 1761 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
18 Rhag 2021 - 16:51
Management in 100 words The England football manager claims he only needs 100 words of English to manage the team. On the understanding that like the England team your team understands the basics what would your 100 words be? I came up with Yes, top priority, well done. After some thought I added No, not good enough and stay in budget. If you don’t do the small talk about... Gweld mwy
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null 0 Sylwadau
null 651 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
12 Meh 2020 - 11:06
How high your heels are, how often you change your hair style and how much your designer handbag cost are not the type of observations you expect to read about in a serious article about a chief executive of one of the biggest  local authorities . Then again this article was only masquerading as serious journalism when in fact it was a general criticism of the pay of chief executives... Gweld mwy
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null 0 Sylwadau
null 2223 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
10 Mai 2024 - 08:51
The President of the association of directors of adult social services (adass) had a go at hospital managers and the cheers could be heard across social services throughout the land. Richard Jones used to be my boss so I know he doesn’t like publicly criticising colleagues in the NHS believing it to be counterproductive. So what provoked him to stick the boot in via a national news paper... Gweld mwy
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null 0 Sylwadau
null 14 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
21 Mawrth 2020 - 17:29
The announcement that Steve Jobs is to step down as chief executive of Apple for health reasons had an immediate impact on share prices and has prompted discussion about whether it is good for a company to be so identified with one individual. The so called cult of the chief executive is also recognised in the public sector. These are individuals who are credited with turning around... Gweld mwy
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null 1 Sylwadau
null 21281 golygfeydd