
And the winners of the Knowledge Hub photo competition are…


The tension has been building... The moment you’ve all been waiting for has finally come... It’s been a hard fought contest but the votes have been counted and we can now officially announce the winners of our recent profile picture competition are...



 "Funniest" picture prize goes to Stephen Barry - Newport City Council - Information Development Officer - Ewok dog 







 Next the "best location" goes to Ben short - Web manager - North/South Korea border 






 The "best accessories" picture goes to Alex Lea – Research & Insight Manager - Leicestershire County Council - Snowman costume





With only two votes between first and second place the "best cartoon" goes Sunny Kenth -  Information Officer - Eastleigh Bourough Council





Last but not least the "best picture from a non-face" goes to Dee Shannon - Estates Team Leader - South Ayrshire Council





If you'd like show your appreciation for these great profile pictures above you can click on their name and press the   button to follow their public activity on Knowledge Hub. 


Congratulations again to all the winners and thanks to everyone who entered.


Knowledge Hub team 


PS - Keep your eyes peeled for a brand new type of competition that we're launching in the New Year...








Mwy o Gofrestriadau Blog

Thanks to everyone who voted for me :)
Same here. Many thanks. I think it was the seasonal theme that swung it for me!
I'd like to thank my Mum and Dad for standing by me through the tough times, my wife and daughter for managing to overlook the fact that their husband/father is slightly mad and my work's internet facilities for allowing me to upload the picture. Hopefully this is just the first of many achievements on Knowledge Hub for me and you will all get to see a lot more of me! (not THAT much more mind, calm down ladies). Most of all though I would like to thank the dog, without him, his sulky face and the costume none of this would be possible. ;) Seriously though, thanks everyone for voting for me. I will be sure to put a new picture up of me with the prize when I get it! Assuming it's not eaten in transit, as then it will be a picture of me strangling the postman. Thanks again for voting and thanks to the KHub team for organising.
As promised, here is the picture of me with my prize! Thanks again to Knowledge Hub. Although I can't eat it as chocolate is poisonous to dogs.;-)