
Cllr Tom Hunter-Watts - another #OurDay tweeting councillor!

Cllr Tom Hunter-Watts I am a Conservative District and Town Councillor, who was first elected in May 2011. I represent Bedgrove Ward in Aylesbury, the town where I grew up and where I now work as a staff nurse. Since being elected, I have spent most of my time trying to tackle long-standing local problems – from school-time traffic congestion to the poor state of pavement and road repairs. I make use of the internet in order to be as open and accessible as possible: I blog, tweet and contribute to local online forums. I serve on the Environment & Living Committee at Aylesbury Vale District Council, as well as on the Audit Committee and the Development Control Committee. Taking an active role on scrutiny committees gives me an insight into broader policy strategy and allows me to contribute to the development of ideas. I was also a member of the Bucks County Council Task and Finish Group on Domestic Violence; social and community-related issues are of particular interest to me.  

I was born in 1971 and educated at Aylesbury Grammar School and the University of London.  As well as being a nurse, I have also worked as a journalist and copywriter. I have an interest in foreign languages, and speak Japanese and Turkish.

Twitter handle: @TomHunterWatts

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Together with two other councillors Tom has been instrumental in getting more councillors interested in Twitter. He worked on a cross-party working group to develop guidance for councillors on the use of Twitter and ran a wine and cake seminar on Twitter before a council meeting. This has resulted in a further 10 councillors having training to either create an account or refresh their account. We're hoping that more will come on board during the coming months.