
Find out why the Knowledge Hub is buzzing

It’s great to see such a lot going on in Knowledge Hub at the moment – it’s a real hive of activity.

Here’s what happened in September…


15 new groups created on a whole range of subjects including: social care innovation, technical architecture and community resilience.



85 new members every week day – that’s a total of more than 1700 people like you!




384 documents downloaded every week day – that’s a total of nearly 8000!



4794 contributions in the month – that’s nearly 30 contributions every working hour!



19,000 pages viewed every week day – that’s nearly 400,000 during the month!





The top 5 most active groups in September were:

  1. Food Standards and Labelling
  2. Scottish Planning Service Costs Project
  3. Tackling Metal Theft
  4. GeoPlace Authority Contacts Group
  5. The College of Social Work communities of interest


Here’s what people have been talking about recently…

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