
Knowledge Hub Infographic

Our first attempt at creating an infographic to explain a little more about the Knowledge Hub.

Any suggestions for improvement will be greatly appreciated.

Mwy o Gofrestriadau Blog

Great infographic. It is great to see the spread of contributors and what people are talking about. I'm not fully in agreement with the sentence: 'Knowledge is Power - when it's shared by experts.' The great thing about the Knowledge Hub is that it makes everyone equal, but certainly not expert. Humility is a vital ingredient to knowledge sharing. We all bring our strengths to the Knowledge Hub and together we connect our knowledge to unlock innovation.
Could this be made larger? Some of its impact is lost due to parts of it being too small to read. Great idea, though. I'm a big fan of displaying information in this way.
Hi Ronnie I've added a larger version to the Public Library . The blog area is quite limited to the width of images that you can add.
Great, thanks Michael!
While I'm here: I posted an infographic of my own on my blog page a couple of days ago . Take a look and let me know what you think.
I would add the address of the Khub ( ) so that the informatic could be printed off and circulated as a promtional flier (perhaps not what was intended but that is how I see it could be used)
Cheers Nick added the url to the top of the download version