
Mo Knowledge Mo Awareness


It's that time of year again when ladies of a certain disposition cringe at the sudden proliferation of facial hair amongst the men folk. Yes it's Movember and this year on the Knowledge Hub team we are joining in by growing the most controversial of mens facial furniture, the moustache!

In keeping with this theme and in tandem with our photo competition we have changed the default profile picture to include an awareness raising moustache. To show your support we are asking you to upload your best moustachioed picture of yourself to your profile and leave us a message.

Anyone wanting to help us raise money for prostate and testicular cancer please check out our team page on the Movember and Sons website.

We will be posting pictures of our progress through this festival of folicular futility. Check our profile pages and connect or follow to keep apprised of how we are getting on.

It's all for a great cause and we hope you enjoy the opportunity to have a laugh at our expense. If you want to support us put this graphic in your group or on your profile with a link ot this blog.


Spare a thought for the women on the team though... they have to put up with it until December!

Mike, Jamie and Michael

Mwy o Gofrestriadau Blog

Let the Mo Grow!
Yo Mo Bros
Good to hear from you Graham! How is the mo going? Post us a photo!
My profile picture is now changed to include my back to the 80s touche!
Have now changed my profile picture to include my tache. Warning - shameless plug ahead - Please feel free to sponsor me at Go on, you know you want to it's for a good cause
Aberdeen City Trading Standards have a team this year- see our MoSpace-