
Profile picture competition finalists - VOTE for your favourite


So it’s that time of year again. The nights are getting longer. The days are getting colder. Woolly gloves, scarves and jumpers are becoming mandatory to face the chilly weather conditions. To counter these winter blues we at KHub HQ thought it would be a great idea to run a heart-warming profile picture competition over the past month in our Welcome to Knowledge Hub group.

Some of the photos have been inspirational, some have been imaginative and some of them have been brilliantly funny! We were over the moon by all of the great entrants by our users and found it very hard to short list our favourites. …but with out further ado here are the finalists…drum roll…vote for your favourite below! A chocolaty prize will be sent out to the winners when we announce them next Monday. If you see anyone interesting why not click on their profile to connect or follow them and show your appreciation for their great new profile pictures...


Funniest Picture - Click here to vote


  Stephen Barry - Newport City Council - Information Development Officer - Ewok dog





Paul Wilding - Benefits Manager  - Oxford Council - Superman






Julie Smith -  Associate Policy Lead for Community Safety - Sunderland City Council - Cats that sleep anywhere 





Best location Picture - Click here to vote


 Ben short –  Web manager - North/South Korea boarder





 Peter McClymont – Web content manager - North Devon Council - Olympic Park 





Bola Olatunde – Consultation Officer -  Brent Council -  Mexico




Best accessories Picture - Click here to vote


 Alex Lea – Research & Insight Manager - Leicestershire County CouncilLeicestershire County Council - Snowman costume




 Susan Verity - Environmental Health Officer - River Tees Port Health Authority- sporting a hard hat and high vis jacket





James Todd - Housing Advice Officer - North Lincolnshire Council -receiving an award at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst 





Best cartoon - Click here to vote

Saddie Kerr – Programme Support Officer  - Local Government Associaiton 





Emma Hurst –Smarter Choices Officer - Merseytravel ITA 





Sunny Kenth -  Information Officer - Eastleigh Bourough Council





Best picture from a non-face - Click here to vote


Jim Hunter – Neighbourhood Manager - City of Edinburgh Council




 Dee Shannon – Estates Team Leader - South Ayrshire Council





Joe Brickley - Environmental & Leisure Services - Bristol City Council 





Thank you everyone who entered the competition. Sorry for those who didn't quite make it to the final. We had a really touch choice and really love them all!  So we've put you in a revolving carousel...enjoy! 











Knowledge Hub team










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