
Delivering public services on a shoestring!

The recent Solace report ‘Transforming Services Transforming Leadership’ highlights the worrying effects of spending cuts on public services, and how local government’s senior professionals foresee the reality of the severe financial times ahead.

Based on the Solace Insights Survey, the report raises Solace’s voice and commitment to delivering the best services for our communities, and this leadership of public servants paints an unclear future of public services.

The below chart shows the top three key organisational drivers for Solace members, which stresses the pressures faced of a long-term economic plan for councils and the sector.

In terms of the top service priorities for Solace members in 2015, yet again the financial challenges were raised with ‘economic developments and growth’ being the top service priority (76%).

When asked about the extent to which public sector spending cuts greatly impacted on delivering 11 services during 2015, and expected spending cuts impacting on services over the five-year period of the Spending Review, the below chart shows an increase in the pressures felt on these services.

What are your views on the impact of the spending cuts on local government services? How will more freedom given to councils tackle these challenge? What is your council’s position?

Join the Solace Open group to participate in discussions and connect with other members on the financial future of local government.

Read the full report.

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