
What does Knowledge Hub mean to you?

We’ve been having some fantastic conversations with some of you who have been kind enough to spare us a few minutes of your time to tell us what Knowledge Hub means to you (thank you for your insight). We’ll be running a series of blogs to share some of these stories to highlight how others are using it and to give you some ideas on how you can make the best use of Knowledge Hub.

One of the great things about Knowledge Hub is that it means a lot of different things to different people. There are always going to be issues ensuring the functionality suits a range of needs, but we recognise that it’s you – our 180,000 members – that make Knowledge Hub what it is and do its job.

So, what exactly is Knowledge Hub’s job?

Many of us will agree that Knowledge Hub is “a connecting and sharing platform” that is “innovative” and “a great tool for collaboration”. Members join groups for a combination of reasons, and they can clearly define how they use them.

Members said they use their Knowledge Hub group as a 'soft' consultation tool, a one stop shop, a self-help tool and a stakeholder communications tool


With 1,500 groups, all with different purposes and audiences, it’s not surprising to discover that they are used in more than one way. There are groups that focus on providing a place for members to ask questions or a library to share documents and members “dip in and out of it” as and when they need to. Then there are other groups where members are heavily engaged and it’s become a major element to their job role helping to “improve skills” and “increase knowledge”.

Members told us that they primarily use Knowledge Hub to:

  • connect with people in a similar role up and down the country
  • access a wealth of knowledge
  • reach a particular group of people to bounce ideas off
  • discuss issues of importance and share learning
  • make better use of resources
  • pick other people’s brains.

In terms of real benefits, what do members value about their membership to Knowledge Hub groups?

Connecting people quote by Dave McKenna from City & County of Swansea (Rewiring Local Democracy Core Team): “A fantastic platform for bringing like-minded people together, where  connections can be established and maintained and relationships  strengthened with colleagues that are passionate about the same issues.”

Professional reputation - quote by Stacy Cosham, Broadland District Council (East of England Scrutiny Network): “My Knowledge Hub membership has made me more efficient as an officer and it’s also helped to raise my profile and build my reputation internally and externally."

Saving time - quote by Robert Johnson, Department for Transport (Concessionary Travel - England Group): “The group helps us to make better use of our resources, spending much less time responding to enquiries from local authorities than we would likely do without it.”

Skills and development - quote by Richard Overy, Shropshire Council (Information and Graphics Visualisation Group): “I became a facilitator to learn some new things and make some new connections. I was able to learn from other people instead of taking part in formal training.”

Gathering insights - quote by Rebecca Staddon, Taunton Deane Borough Council (Planning Advisory Service Group): “The range of knowledge of the members who take part in discussions and finding out views from different perspectives is beneficial.”

innovation - quote by Carl Whistlecraft, Kirklees Council (Local Government Digital Steering Group): “The Knowledge Hub has sparked innovation and brought together a community that care about the same things meaning wider opportunities are available.”

We’d love to hear more about how Knowledge Hub is being used, so if you would like to share your experiences please get in touch by emailing or add a comment below. 

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The Knowledge Hub allows me to access information & advice that can help me sort out problem properties I have. It also allows me to share my solutions and hopefully this information will help others to sort out their problem properties too.