
Managing knowledge in project environments

Mouse CheeseBack on the 5th of December I was asked if I could do a little presentation about Knowledge Management in a Project and Programme Environment at the newly formed APM Knowledge SIG

It was a personal story about where my original role as a Knowledge Co-ordinator came about to support projects and how things have changed from being project based to more programme based and how Communities of practice have support them.

I have added my presentation at the bottom, due to the two other people also presenting on that day.

Dr Jon Whitty, senior lecturer in project management at the University of Southern Queensland, Australia and Brendan McAndrew of Mouchel. 

Jon talked about the Swiss Cheese Model and how this can be used with Project and Programmes, were as Brendan spoke about the use of Knowledge Management and Communities of Practice at Mouchel.

Below are the three presentations and this is a link to the Storify from the day



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