
About the Health Survey for England 2014

The Health Survey for England is being carried out by NatCen Social Research and University College London (UCL) on behalf of the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC). NatCen are keen to increase local authority awareness of the survey, for instances when members of the public may get in touch to question its credibility. They have asked us to share some information about the survey. If you require any further information or the postcode sectors that will be covered in your area, please get in touch with

About the survey

The survey provides up to date information on the health of adults and children in England. The fieldwork is being carried out in households across England and will run until early 2015. Co-operation in the survey is voluntary, and a letter outlining the survey is sent to sampled addresses in advance of an interviewer calling.

In addition to taking part in an interview, permission is asked to measure height and weight and for a nurse to visit and take various other measurements, such as blood pressure. All interviewers and nurses are checked by the DBS (Disclosure Barring Service) before working on the survey. Further information is available through the study website and the respondent website.

The following documents, used during the fieldwork, provide information for interviewees. Copies are available through this link.

  • Advance letter - this is sent to selected households in advance of the interviewer calling (usually a few days before the beginning of each survey month)
  • Information leaflet - this is included with the advance letter to provide further information into what the survey has found in the past
  • Results laminate - a tool used by interviewers on the doorstep which shows further interesting HSE findings
  • Stage 1 leaflet - given to respondents to read before the interview (forms part of the informed consent, as per NatCen's ethical approval)
  • Stage 2 leaflet - given to respondents to read before the nurse visit (forms part of the informed consent, as per NatCen's ethical approval)



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