
BBC sports test - nice use of infographics

Take the test designed by Loughborough University sport scientists to find out which sport you are best suited to. Take 30 seconds to dash through the 13 quick questions in the sports quiz and you'll be presented with events from the Commonwealth Games which could match your physical and mental abilities. 

The quiz is based on a model devised by sports scientists from Loughborough University. Firstly, a list of the physical and mental attributes crucial to success in sport was drawn up. Then, each sport in the Commonwealth Games was rated against these attributes. For example, gymnastics was rated as needing high levels of agility and power, while weightlifting was rated highly for power but required little agility. When a user answers the quiz they are rating themselves against the same list of categories. This allows their results to be compared against each sport to find the closest match to a reader's self-assessment.

As well as encouraging people to have a go at a new sport, this is a good example of how simple infographics can be used to engage people.

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