
Consultation on the proposal to define a Primary Carer Support Reason (CPSR) for use within Adult Social Care National Data Collections

The HSCIC and its stakeholders have developed this consultation to consider potential changes to the 2017-18 national data collections on Adult Social Care.  Its primary focus is the introduction, as outlined via the Care Act, of a classification schema for Carers’ Primary Support Reasons, and additionally the use of this schema within the Adult Social Care Finance Return (ASC-FR).

Due to the redevelopmentment of the HSCIC website there is a delay in launching the consultation on-line. When available it will be published here.

The purpose of this consultation is to engage with providers and users of the data in order to gather opinion and to shape outputs of this classification schema for the future.  This will help to ensure that outputs will continue to provide the information needed for the effective delivery of adult social care services now and in the future. Feedback gained via this consultation will be taken in account when developing final proposals.  If the result of this subsequent development work includes any mandatory changes, these will be included in the next available September letter to be issued to councils by HSCIC.

This consultation opened on 29 March and will close on 29 April. If you have any queries regarding the completion of this survey or any issues not covered by this survey then please contact

Documents/links accompanying this consultation


How to respond

This consultation is open to anyone, whether as an individual or representing an organisation. HSCIC are looking for the views of all stakeholders for this data though there are additional questions for local authorities around the practicalities of the plans.  The preferred method for responding to this consultation is via the online questionnaire

Responses to or comments on this consultation may also be made by email or by post to:-

The Social Care Team
The Health and Social Care Information Centre
1 Trevelyan Square
Boar Lane

Please complete / use the pdf document if you would like to respond by email or post.


Summary of consultation

As outlined above, the primary focus of this consultation is to seek views on the introduction to the Equalities and Classification Framework (EQCL) of a Carer Primary Support Reason (CPSR).

Whilst the primary support reason for service users is perhaps straightforward to determine, the selection of a single primary reason for support being provided to carers is perhaps less clear.  Care Act Guidance documentation highlights that this selection should be made in a holistic way, taking into account how support needs change over time (and how they are envisaged to change into the future) in order to determine, in the professional judgement of the social services staff carrying out the assessment, what the overarching reason for support being provided is.

It is acknowledged however that the selection of a single reason will not cover one hundred percent of the services being provided to the carer, however it is expected that when taken in aggregate, the overall data for a council will reflect the overall breakdown of services being provided.  Further details around how a single reason can be selected are still being discussed and as outlined above feedback from this consultation exercise will be used to further inform this ongoing development work.

The proposed categories will be based on the Care Act Eligibility Criteria for Carers and are outlined below:



“Why a carer needs support?”

Daily Living

Home Environment

“I need to ensure my home is safe and an appropriate environment to live in (with essential amenities such as water, electricity and gas), as well as not presenting significant risk.”


“I need the time to be able do essential shopping and to prepare meals for my family and I.”

Maintaining Identity

Personal Relationships

“I need to be able to maintain key relationships with family and friends and to develop new relationships where this is not already the case.”

Work, Training, Education or Volunteering

“I need to be able to continue in my job; undertake education or training; volunteer to support civil society or have the opportunity to get a job, if this is not already the case.”

Recreational Activities

“I need to have the time to make use of local services and facilities, such as gyms or swimming pools.”

Using Facilities in the Local Community

“I need to have free time to be able to read or engage in a hobby.”

Other Caring Responsibilities


“I need to be able to maintain my caring responsibilities for other adults, such as a parent, in addition to caring for an adult with care and support needs.”


“I need to be able to maintain my parenting or caring responsibilities for children, such as grandchildren while their parents are at work, in addition to caring for an adult with care and support needs.”

Carer’s Own Physical/Mental Health Needs

Not applicable

“I need to be able to achieve caring outcomes without actual or potential pain, distress or anxiety, or endangering the health and/or safety of myself or anyone for whom I provide care.”


Please now complete the short questionnaire, available here.


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