
New video animation showing how the number of young people in England who smoke and drink

SDD 2013 Survey report findings presented using animation

A new video animation showing how the number of young people in England who smoke and drink has fallen dramatically in recent years was published by NatCen Social Research and the HSCIC in September 2014.

The animation reveals some of the key findings of the survey of Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use Among Young People in England, including that:

  • In 2013 only one in thirty children aged 11-15 smoked at least once week, compared to one in ten in 2001.
  • In 2013 fewer than half of children, only 12 in every 30, had tried an alcoholic drink, compared with 18 in 30 in 2003.

Created as a tool for teachers to show the findings of this important research to pupils, the animation is a thank you from researchers to the large number of schools who take part in the survey every year. Liz Fuller, Research Director, NatCen Social Research said “This survey has uncovered some encouraging changes in the behaviour of young people in recent years and this animation draws together some of these important findings in an engaging way. We hope that this will be a useful tool for teachers and that others will find it interesting too.”

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